I can’t believe it’s the end of February already. We’ve had fun and kept busy the past 2 months but it’s also been a lot of just surviving. We’ve had sickness/injuries/sleepless nights/difficult mornings but we’re making it!
We went to Red Rock Canyon on MLK Day and hiked. The kids were super troopers! We just kept going because they were doing awesome. It was fun to be out hiking together!
Kenny took Beau to the BMX bike races. He did awesome but his favorite part was the practicing beforehand so that he could go over big jumps!
I got to chaperone Kayli’s field trip to the Natural History Museum. I loved being with her for that!
We went to our first Golden Knights Hockey Game and it was awesome! It’s so fun to have a really good sports team in Las Vegas! Toni and Steve invited us and the Cahills to go and we had a great time and great seats!
We went off-roading with a huge group. We went up north and thru Mount Charleston (I think?). The goal was to come out of the mountains at Pahrump and then drive back to Vegas. However, a few of us left the group to head back and…. got lost. I think there were 5 vehicles with us and most of us had kids and moms who had to use the bathroom! We weren’t tooooo worried but as it started getting dark and we were trying trails leading us to dead ends we started getting a little nervous. Eventually, in the dark, we found the right trail and made it to Pahrump! We were so hungry we all piled into a McDonalds and ate before we drove the hour and a half back to Vegas. It made for some funny memories!
We saw Peter Rabbit with lots of Kenny’s family for Grandma Taylor’s birthday!
Both of our mom’s had birthdays. We had Sunday dinner with Kenny’s mom and played a new game we got her and we spent President’s Day with my mom at Rachel’s house. We sure are lucky to have them both!
We had a fun Valentine’s Day too! We stayed home that night and I tried to be creative and have a fun Valentine’s Dinner for the kids but it didn’t work out and I told Kenny just to pick something up. He brought home Outback and we ate delicious dinner while we fought our kids thru dinner and wished we were sitting at Outback without them. Kidding! It was fun and the kids loved getting Valentines, making Valentines to send to family in the mail, and the boys love delivering flowers to us and Kayli loves when they do it!
The kids and Kenny went to the hot air balloon festival out in Pahrump but by time they got there they didn’t get to see too many balloons and they didn’t get to ride in one but they did get to ride some carnival rides so that was fun.
I got to see Jill, Heather, and Alise yesterday at Alise’s baby shower. The 4 of us haven’t been together for awhile so it was so fun to catch up and nobody wanted to leave. Between the four of us there are almost 16 kids.
Last night, Erin, Haley, and I decided to hurry and run to the temple before the guys had plans later that night. When we walked in though, they told us we were too late to do anything. We had no idea! We had a fun ride there and back and even had time to get a treat instead and we always have a good time. It was a good day spent with good friends. I sure have been blessed!
The boys go off-roading lots. It’s one of their favorite things to do!
Up until this last week when it snowed in Vegas, we had been having fantastic weather. We spend most days after school outside riding bikes with all of the kids on our street. It’s so fun to look out and see all of the kids out there and to see them having so much fun playing and making up games.
Kayli had her last volleyball game today and she has learned so much! She had a lot of fun with her friends on the team and was even pretty silly, and loved that Kacee was her coach. It was fun to watch her out there!
Kayli spends lots of time at Milani’s house and she even walks home with her some days. She loves playing school still and is a little teacher in the making! She loves to read and is currently reading about 10 chapter books. I’m trying to teach her to just read one at a time but she’s just so anxious to read them all! She likes to do math and makes up math problems she can solve. She is very organized and makes her bed every day without being asked. She has had a hard time lately too. She gets very worked up and anxious when things don’t go as planned. Some nights/mornings are really difficult and it’s been really stressful lately.
Beau loves to play with friends and he has so many good friends. Today they went to the park and played football. They are starting soccer up again and I’m excited to watch them! He loves school and has loved learning about national monuments, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I’m so amazed by the things he remembers and all the interesting facts he tells us that he’s learned! He has been a huge blessing lately. Many nights we see Beau in bed with Trey reading him a book so Trey can fall asleep, and then a few minutes later Beau is in bed asleep. It has been such a sweet thing for me to see. Right now he is my sweet boy and a lot of times the comic relief I need! One funny thing about him right now is that he forgets to put shoes on a lot! Sometimes I get places and he realize he doesn’t have shoes! I remember to check the baby and 2 year old for shoes but I guess I just assume the 5 year old will remember to put on shoes!
Trey also has fun little friends and has play dates a lot. He is talking so much better and it’s so fun to see his personality thru his words now. The other day Kayli was holding Sam and asked him, “Trey…. who is your favorite sister?!” He replied… “Sister Pollock and Sister Hunt!” We were dying! They are his sweet nursery leaders who he loves so much! At Kayli’s volleyball game last week before Kenny was there, he got off my lap and ran towards the court. I tried to run after him but all of a sudden he was on the court. I thought he’d run across and go sit with Kacee and I’d walk around and get him but when he got to Kayli who was on the court playing, he said “like this Kayli” and showed her how to stand when getting ready to pass the volleyball. I grabbed him and got him off the court and was a little embarrassed but it was pretty funny. He’s not afraid to take off or be on his own so we have to keep our eye on him. He is obsessed with his little backpack and takes it everywhere. He carries his little animals in there. He even naps with it on. He likes to do puzzles and play with legos. He always says, “but mom I neeeed you”.
Sam is 6 months now and has 2 teeth that are about to poke thru and they’ve been really hurting her. She rolls over a lot now but doesn’t quite sit up yet. She is little- 22nd percentile for weight. She is a happy little thing and makes everyone’s day when she smiles at them. I always find her just staring at me and when I look at her she smiles so big. She really makes my day! She’ll grab my face now and it really seems like she’s looking me in the eye telling me I’ve got this or she loves me or something so sweet! Haha. She is such a little light. I hope she’s always this way!
A month ago, I fractured my tailbone. I play in women’s indoor soccer league with some friends and it is seriously so much fun for me. 4 games into our season I got kneed in the butt (at least I think that’s what happened) and fell and haven’t been the same since. I knew the pain all too well, it was the same pain I was in after I delivered Trey. Unfortunately, there is nothing to do. I’m grateful for other sleep-deprived friends and that we all look out for each other and drop off sodas to each other! I love getting texts from my girlfriends… “I’m running to Splash and I’ll drop off your drink in 20 minutes”. Once we sleep thru the night again we can give up our sodas. 🙂
And some more pics…
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