4th of July
We had a great 4th of July! Haley invited us over to swim at her mom’s house with them, Cahills, and Lawsons. The kids always have a blast swimming over there because they can go down the slide and jump off the cliff. We had a BBQ and swam then headed over to Knickerbocker Park for the firework show. We met Kenny’s family there and sat on the baseball field enjoying the show.
Trey was born on July 8th at 3:11 a.m. Here’s how it went…July 7th around 9:30 p.m. I started getting contractions that were a little more painful than they had been for the past weeks. After about an hour I knew that it was the real thing. I labored at home until midnight when the contractions were close enough together to go to the hospital. On the way to the hospital they were only 2 minutes apart and I knew it was all going to happen pretty quickly. When we got to the hospital and they checked me-I was dilated to a 6 or 7 so they hurried me off to get ready for my epidural because I was begging for one! I was worried it would take awhile to get the epidural because that’s how it had been for me the past two times but they moved really quickly and I had my epidural within an hour of getting there. After that I felt great and they told me I’d be having a baby really soon. Our parents showed up to be there and Dr. Paul got there around 3:00 a.m. and we were ready to go. I pushed one time and Dr. Paul told me to stop. The cord was wrapped around Trey’s head and he had to cut it and then told me to push again real quick. Trey came out purple and wasn’t crying. I didn’t really know what was going on but everyone in the room looked at each other and could tell everyone else was nervous. I told them I didn’t need to hold him right then so that they could help him and they hurried him off to help him breathe but then he was fine. They brought him back to me after just a few minutes and we got to hold him. He was 8 lbs. 9 oz. (my biggest baby by over a pound!) and they said 19 inches but we learned at the doctor a few days later he was probably more like 20.5 inches or 21 inches. They took him to the nursery pretty soon after we held him so that they could make sure his oxygen levels were good and they had him there for about 2 hours. I really didn’t mind though because I got to rest and the epidural was still working so I didn’t feel any pain. The whole labor and delivery was so much faster than my other two-less than 6 hours. After Trey came back we got to enjoy him and the kids got to meet him. They were so cute because they brought a sign and balloons to meet him. Kayli acted really nervous and she wasn’t quite sure how to act. It was a really cool thing to watch them meet their little brother. Mike and Erin came that day to meet Trey too and they brought us some normal fast food so we didn’t have to eat hospital food-I know Kenny especially enjoyed that. Tate and Lindsay and Kaci along with grandparents also met Trey in the hospital. It was nice to have visitors. My lower back was hurting while I was there and I had back labor too. I thought I was stiff from laying in the hospital bed and I thought the pain meds I was on would help alleviate the pain. A few days later I still hurt though and it was killing me to sit, lay down, get up-basically all day every day with anything I did. I started wondering what was going on and realized I had probably hurt my tailbone during delivery. I didn’t know if it was broken, dislocated, bruised or what. I went to the doctor (on my birthday) and they told me I probably did hurt it during delivery from the way Trey was positioned and that there was really nothing I could do for the pain. It seems like my tailbone is bruised-which still hurts like crazy! I’m supposed to wait it out for 3-6 months! I’m praying it’s less than that but also just dealing with the pain. It’s been a crazy 8 weeks of doctor’s appointments, x-rays and not really knowing what’s wrong! Trey, though, has been great. We love having him around and it just seems like he’s been around forever now. We love him!
1 week…
2 weeks…
1 month…
6 weeks… he gives us smiles all the time!
7 weeks…
2 months…
Trey hated his first bath but loves them now! Kayli and Beau took the pictures.
I turned 30 this year and it was pretty uneventful and actually pretty sad. I’m sure I’ll look back and laugh at how turning 30 was literally pretty awful. I woke up feeling super sick and ended up going to the doctor because I had mastitis. All I wanted was antibiotics for that, pain medicine for all the pain I had been experiencing since Trey was born, and a nap. Kenny tried to make it a fun day for me but I ended up canceling his plans because I just felt too awful. We went to the doctor, the pharmacy, and I napped and took care of Trey. Kenny did make me go to dinner with him and it was nice to get out and I was happy because I had gotten medications. I was still pretty uncomfortable and exhausted but it was nice to get out with him. When we came back Mike and Erin had brought by cheesecake. We really have awesome friends. They were so worried about me having a good day too. That Sunday night Kenny made me a nice Sunday dinner. He even made my favorite birthday dessert-dump cake and invited some friends over for cake.
Kelli and Alex got married on August 8th. It was a great day! Everything was perfect. Most of our family from Utah came down for it and it was the first time they all got to see Trey. It was fun visiting with everyone and catching up. Kelli looked beautiful and she really planned a perfect day and wedding.
England family. We have gone from 6 to 16!
Here are all the Varney grandkids and spouses and great grandkids that were able to come. We’re missing some though…
Kayli loves the Utah girl cousins. She hangs out with them all day, every day that we get to see them. It’s always so exciting to tell her that she’ll get to see them and then so sad when they have to leave…
Hanging out with cousins…
Trey and cousin Olivia are only 2 months apart…
Trey and cousin Beck are only 7 weeks apart. He was just born on August 26th. We couldn’t believe how big Trey was next to Beck!
Evelyn is 6 months older than Trey but he’s almost as big as her!
Trey with Great Grandma and Grandpa Taylor…
Trey with Great Grandma and Grandpa Varney…
Kaci left to go back to school last month. The kids really miss her and she was so much fun to have around while we were living with her. She made every day fun.
Beau turned 3 on August 10th. It was such a fun day! He woke up so excited and kept saying that it was his birthday in the cutest little voice. He woke up to lots of balloons in his bedroom and then dad took him to pick out donuts. We sang to him and gave him his presents before dad went to work. He also got to open his presents from Grandma and Grandpa and Taylor and Kaci. He’s just recently become interested in superheroes so he got lots of “bad guys” as he calls them. He also got a big Buzz Lightyear, superhero underwear (because he’s finally got the potty training down!) and a superhero towel. All he wanted to do that day was play with his new toys and Kayli was a good sport and played superheroes with him all day! That night we had a little birthday party at Flipnout. He still loves Cars and so he chose a Cars cake and plates. The birthday party was fun and he got more fun toys like monster trucks, a firefighter outfit, and more! He loves his friends and cousins that got to come and it was really fun to watch him be so excited the whole day. I loved it!
The kids had fun going to Home Depot with dad one Saturday morning to make a cool chalkboard craft. They got Home Depot aprons and earned their first pin for completing a project. They hammered and painted their own chalkboard. They though it was pretty cool!
Grandpa’s birthday…
Our house is coming along!
Beau went to Boulder City with Grandma and Grandpa and rode the train. He was pretty excited about it and told us all about it.
We had a fun FHE up at the mountains with friends.
We took Beau to Mini Gran Prix. He loves race cars and so we thought he’d have fun riding in the cars and he really loved it. His favorite was the cars riding with mommy or daddy and the big slide. He was too cute to watch the whole night.
Trey’s blessing was really special. He was blessed on September 6th at our ward. Both of his Grandpas and Great Grandpa Taylor along with his uncles Russ, Austin, Alex, Nick, and Tate and also Scott stood in the circle. Kenny gave him his blessing. Trey looked so cute and was so happy and alert during sacrament meeting.
The kids love this Hummer that Grandpa found…
Fun with friends…
A little about Kayli… she loves the song “Dear Future Husband” and even did a duet with Kaci. It’s awesome! Kayli “plays” the ukulele in it and sings every single word. So the other night she was saying the prayer and she said “Dear Future”…and then realized what she had done but we all started laughing. Another fun thing she says lately is “is it fast Sunday or slow Sunday?” She loves playing barbies and make believe anything. She’s good at coming up with fun things for her and Beau to play. She’s such a good older sister and is very helpful. She gets her and Beau breakfast in the morning which is really helpful right now. I’m pretty sure I could leave her home all day and she’d totally take care of her and her brothers just fine. Haha. She also loves to hold Trey and knows all the tricks for getting him to settle down when he cries. Today I asked her to go upstairs and help him settle down until I could get up to get him. She went upstairs and the next thing I knew she was back downstairs-with Trey in her arms! Yikes! She started preschool again, this year with Mrs. Megan. She was pretty nervous the first day but was really brave and went and loved it. She loves going to volleyball and playing with her friends. She loves learning and surprises us every day with things she’s picked up. I don’t know what I would do without her around!
Beau is a funny kid. He makes me and Kayli laugh all the time with his funny faces and new things he’s learned to say. Beau likes to say “so boring”, “what heck” and “oh my gosh” all the time. And he thinks it’s funny when someone says “butt”. He turned 3 on August 10th and I think terrible threes will be more accurate than terrible twos in his case. He was a great two-year old. Now that he talks and has become a rambunctious little boy-he’s been a little tougher. It might also have something to do with a new baby brother and a move. We majorly messed up his routine. He is still our sweet little boy but he likes to be mischievous (with the cutest little face). He’s a great big brother and loves to take care of Trey. He talks in the sweetest voice to Trey and always yells “throw up” (in a funny way because he can’t say it very well) when Trey spits up. He loves to play house and he always goes to work. He’s recently been in to superheroes. He loves to sing and surprises us with new songs he’s learning. His favorite song is “I’m so Glad When Daddy Comes Home” but he also likes the Mulan soundtrack, the Planes soundtrack, the ABC song, and I Am a Child of God. He’s wild and does all kinds of crazy things. He doesn’t like to fall asleep in his bed and most nights we find him in his doorway or in the hall. He usually has a toy or two with him but the other night we saw he had brought all of his superheroes. We thought it was funny-and then the next night he had an even crazier set up! My favorite was the frying pan. Another funny thing about him is that he likes to find bugs and Grandma even got a little vacuum so that he could vacuum up the dead bugs he finds in the house. Well the other night we caught him outside vacuuming up all the bugs!
Trey has been so much fun. He has been pretty good and some nights he’ll go a good stretch of sleep. He’s definitely been our best sleeper as a newborn. He smiles. A LOT! And he’s been doing it for a few weeks now too. He’s also discovered his voice and likes to be social! He loves to just smile and coo at us. He’s really sweet! He is gaining good weight and eats great. He weighed 10 lbs. 8 oz. at his one month appointment and 12 pounds at 8 weeks. The kids love him and are always watching out for him. We love our three kids!
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