Well I have no pictures of anything we did this past month so I guess it wasn’t too exciting for us…I’ll have to think back about what we did. For New Year’s we were able to see my friends Jill and Alise and their families. We always had the best times together and I miss them so much. I wish we could all live close again…Casey and Heather included! Anyway, New Years Day we got to see Josh and Mandy as they came through on their way back to Cali and being with them makes me miss them so much too! We get to go on a cruise with them for a whole week next month and I know we will have a blast!
I have been keeping busy with my Young Women’s calling. I went from Personal Progress Specialist to 2nd Counselor and it has been so much fun for me. I like having responsibility and the girls and leaders are awesome! I also decided to substitute teach so that I can keep with it a little. I miss teaching…but don’t want to give up my opportunity to stay at home with Kayli. In order to sub you only have to teach twice a month and I figured that’d be fine. It gets me out of the house and Kayli gets to go play with Grandma or cousin Adam so she doesn’t mind. I’ve mostly taught at my old school where I know the teachers and the kids. This past week I taught kindergarten at a brand new, two-story, beautiful, non Title 1 school and boy was it different than what I am used to! I don’t think I am a kindergarten teacher…but it was still fun.
Kenny and I went to the Brad Paisley concert this past weekend! It was so much fun! He brought along Scotty McCreery who we loved on American Idol and The Band Perry who I also love and the entire concert was amazing. At one point Brad Paisley was singing “Remind Me” which is his duet with Carrie Underwood. You can tell that a girl is coming out to sing with him and it looks like The Band Perry girl who is totally good but then she starts singing and you realize that it’s actually Carrie Underwood! It was awesome! Thanks, Kenny!
Well Kayli is so much fun these days. She is smart! We tell her to do things and she’ll do them and we didn’t realize that she understood what we were saying! She even helps a little now! She’ll put things in the garbage can, get you the T.V. remote, put things back in her bedroom, clean up her toys, and even hand me forks and spoons from the dishwasher. She won’t come for diaper changes though….she definitely chooses to ignore me on that one! She is still energetic and friendly and loves her daddy these days! She is so excited when he comes home every night and hates when he leaves in the morning. Here’s a few pictures of her…
She loves the trampolines…she is getting the hang of jumping just doesn’t actually get any air yet…
And Kenny got to hold his neighbor’s chimp! He was so friendly and nice!
Ok, your life is SO exciting!! You're going on a cruise! And you're subbing!! That's so cool. You went to a Brad Paisely concert and Kenny got to hold a chimp????? Wow. You guys live the high life. ahhahha. I miss you and love you!! I'm in young women's too!! So fun. Love ya!
That is so fun that you are in young womens again! you were always so good in there. Your little girl is getting so big and so dang cute!!